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The Importance of a Biblical Worldview

Updated: 2 days ago

Why is a Biblical Worldview Important?

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8, NIV)

The importance of a Biblical worldview, candles, Bible, pen

The significance of a Biblical worldview cannot be underestimated, because everyone has a “lens” through which we see the world that shapes how we view every area of life. It affects our values, decisions, judgments, and actions. We may not even realize it, but our worldview profoundly affects how we feel, think, and act. So, it is important to ensure that we’re building our lives on a solid foundation rather than the ever-changing traditions of this world which our verse above warns against. That is why a Biblical worldview is so important!


Thankfully God has provided a sure foundation for us to build our lives upon, and that is the unchanging truth of His Word that He has given us in the Bible. There are many philosophies and ideas about various aspects of life, but a Biblical worldview is truly the only one that makes life make sense.


The Bible answers all of life’s big questions, like “Why are we here?”, “What is the meaning of life?”, “How should we live?”, “Where are we going—and how do we get there?”, “What is love?”, “Why do bad things happen?”, “Why do we learn, work, and rest?”, “What is the purpose of marriage, family, and friendships—and how do we navigate them?”, “Why do we have laws, justice, and moral codes?”, “What is truth?”, and so much more!

The Significance of a Biblical Worldview


All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).


The importance of a Biblical worldview means that our lives will be shaped by the living Word of God. It is our source of timeless truth in these truthless times. The Bible provides a framework for every area of life.


The Bible is a unique and extraordinary book unlike any other ever written. It is divinely inspired and penned by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Because of its divine authorship, it is a living book with the power to transform hearts, minds, and lives.


What Makes the Bible So Special?


For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)


Several features make the Bible a unique book. First of all, it is a supernatural book, because it has a divine Author. Not only that, but it is the only book in which you can interact with the Author every time you read it.


It spans the entirety of time including from before time began, throughout all human history, and past time into eternity. It also covers the full range of human behavior and the complete spectrum of human emotion.


Remarkably, although it was penned by at least 40 different writers, over 1500 years, it has amazing continuity and tells one cohesive story—namely God’s plan of salvation for us through our Lord Jesus Christ.


So, rather than relying on the ever-changing whims of man, instead turn to the holy words of God in the Bible to find true meaning, purpose, and perspective for every area of your life!


The Foundation of a Biblical Worldview


The Bible is truly the only book that makes sense of every area of our lives. It gives us purpose and provides a healthy framework for our families, relationships, education and vocations, work, rest, society, justice, and morality. It answers life’s big questions and prepares us for what comes next! The Bible’s cohesive message of our salvation in Jesus gives us help for today and hope for tomorrow.


Pursue a Purposeful Life with a Biblical Perspective

Keep reading here at “The Bible-Based Life” as we go through each area in greater depth and explore the importance of a Biblical worldview for a more meaningful life.


And, for even more insights stay tuned for my upcoming book:

“Why the Bible Makes Life Makes Sense: Pursuing a Purposeful Life from a Biblical Perspective”


If you’re not sure where to begin in reading or studying the Bible and would like to grow in your understanding of God’s Word, check out my Bible study journal, A Week in the Word”. It walks you through the steps of a thorough, yet easy-to-use way to comprehend more of any passage of Scripture you read.


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